Our Vision
We want to be seen and known as a loving, rural church family of active worshippers and disciplers for Jesus Christ.
Our Mission
To know, to teach, to share and to worship Jesus Christ as LORD (Philippians 2)
Our Beliefs
What we believe is important to us. It makes us who we are. We unite upon the central teachings of Scripture, and find unity with all who know Jesus Christ, God’s Son, as Lord and Saviour. All who believe in Jesus, and in his gospel of grace, are welcome to worship with us and we welcome all who are seekers of God to visit with us too.
We are committed to what is sometimes called “classical Christianity,” namely, the core doctrines of the church that Christians have confessed throughout the ages. These truths are faithfully expressed in the historic Nicene Creed (developed from 325-381AD):
For a copy of the Nicene Creed click on the link below:
Our Leadership
Our church is shepherded by an Eldership team. Each is committed to the health and well being of our entire fellowship.
These men and their wives are:
Dean & Selina Fountain
Gordon & Lynette Wood
Stuart & Beth Bay
Andrew & Angela Archer
Justin & Emma Thompson - Pastor

Our Heritage
The church family at Manawaru traces its roots back to the year 1900, when Christian families began to meet in one another’s homes. They were devout, Bible believing people who sought to follow some of the simple New Testament principles concerning Christian worship. Their welcoming of all who knew Jesus as Saviour to share in the Lord's Table in worship led to them being known as "open" brethren.
The first church building was built in 1907 with a new chapel being built 60 years later. In 2006 the church building was modernized and enlarged to meet our increasing needs as the congregation continued to grow.
Since it began, the church at Manawaru has led large children’s ministries, including Bible in Schools, Rallys, and Youth Groups, and continues to value these works. Missionary service has always been a priority for Manawaru and the church has taken the gospel to many areas of the world.